Excellence in any context is not easily achieved. The root word “excel” means or suggests to go beyond the norm...to aim for and achieve higher. The fact of the matter is that excellence can often times be elusive. Many times we aim, but fail in achieving. But why is excellence so elusive? It's true, that those in pursuit of excellence must be determined, disciplined and most importantly detail oriented. But the proactive pursuit of excellence alone is not enough.
There are also some important things to look for that could quite often derail that pursuit if you are not aware of them, and how they work.
1. EXCUSES- Reasons why, "I can't" or “I didn’t.” Finding ways to excuse one’s self from a particular job, task or responsibility. It has been often said that “excuses are the tools of the incompetent.”
2. INCOMPETENCE- The lack of necessary skill sets or know how in a particular area or field. Without the proper knowledge or experience, one can never expect to attain a level of excellence in their attempts.
3. INHERENT LOYALTIES- The fear of letting go of the familiar. This includes people and procedures. It could also refer to the notion that “we’ve always done it this way.”
4. LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY- The failure to “inspect what you expect.” Follow-up and follow through are important factors in the accountability process.
5. MEDIOCRITY- Being comfortable or okay with "good enough.” Just getting by, is an ideology counterproductive to stretching ones mind and actions to achieve higher.
6. FAILURE TO PLAN- The belief that things will just work themselves out. Always remember...”plans don’t fail, lest people fail to plan.“
7. DISORGANIZATION- Disarray, chaos and haphazard approaches to files, systems and processes. It is almost impossible to achieve excellence in any context without organization.
Minister Corey-Patrick Edwards is the Founder/ Executive Director of the Florida Fellowship Super Choir, and the CEO of COED Ministries. He currently serves as the Associate Minister of Music at Antioch Baptist Church of Miami Gardens and Ft. Lauderdale. His experience and expertise has taken him across the country, teaching and training in the areas of worship and music ministry.